The Independent Scholar (TIS)
The Independent Scholar is a peer-reviewed open-access journal published under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Licence.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
VOLUME 11 General Issue (forthcoming, 2024)
CRITICAL ESSAYS accepted to date:
Susan Breitzer. "Sisterhood was Limited: Jews, Intersectionality, and the Second Wave Feminist Movement."
Book Reviews for this issue are accessible here.
VOLUME 10 Special Issue 'Ancient Texts, Modern Perspectives' (December 2023) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 9 General issue (December, 2022) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 8 General issue (December 2021) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 7 'Connections and Challenges' (August 2020) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 6 'Meeting Challenges' (February 2020) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 5 General issue (August 2019) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 4 'Gender and Society' (December 2018) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 3 'Identity and Transition' (June 2017) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 2 General Issue (September 2016) <Download PDF>
VOLUME 1 'Traditions and Transitions' (December 2015) <Download PDF>
Suggestions for suitable books should be sent to the Book Review Editor (BRE) on reviews@ncis.org
General Editor
Shelby Shapiro, Ph.D., M.A.
Humanities Editor
Amanda Haste, Ph.D., M.A., Dip.Trans.
STEM Editor
Joan Cunningham, Ph.D., M.Sc.
Associate Editors
Valerie Abrahamsen, Th.D.
Susan Breitzer, Ph.D.
Phillip Reid, Ph.D.
The Independent Scholar (TIS) shall be entirely open access. There are to be no Author Processing Charges (APC) or other administrative charges meaning that there is no charge to authors for publishing in TIS. The content is to be publicly available online on the NCIS website, and no paywall is to be applied.
Eligibility to submit manuscripts to TIS.
All authors of manuscripts submitted to TIS must be paid-up members of NCIS at Full, Associate or Life member status, or be a verified member of an NICS-affiliated Partner Group.
Such membership status is to be stated on the submission form, and will be verified by referring to the NCIS Membership Officer or the President of the relevant Partner Group.
On submission of a manuscript to TIS the author must confirm that the work has not already been published, or submitted to another journal for review.
Authors of articles accepted for publication in TIS retain full copyright of their work. If they republish the article elsewhere they must cite the original TIS publication details However, they remain free to submit revised versions of their TIS paper to more specialist journals.
Authors of book reviews accepted for publication in TIS retain full copyright of their review.
Authors of other material published in TIS (e.g. obituaries, tributes, review essays) retain full copyright of their contribution.
Permission to use or reprint material from articles published in TIS must be requested from the author(s).
Peer review process
All manuscript articles are submitted via our submissions portal. The Humanities editor or STEM editor will then assign an Associate Editor to source at least two peer reviews for each manuscript. The Humanities Editor or STEM editor may assign themselves as editor if the manuscript lies within their field of expertise.
All articles submitted to TIS will be reviewed by at least two reviewers in a double blind process : all manuscripts must be anonymised before being sent to the reviewers.
Authors will address any queries direct to their assigned editor, and submlit their revised papers via the OJS portal. Their Associate Editor will then make the final decision on whether to accept or decline the paper. In the case of opposing views among reviewers, the editor has the option of appointing an additional reviewer. They may also take the rôle of reviewer themselves, although their report must be presented as the report of Reviewer X to preserve the distance required between author and reviewer.
The editor’s decision is final, though in contentious cases they may seek the advice of the Humanities or STEM editor.
Formatting The TIS style guide is APA 8th edition. While TIS does not insist that manuscripts are formatted in APA on submission, if accepted the author undertakes to edit the format of the accepted article to comply with APA style before the article is published.
Proofreading Following acceptance, articles are copy edited and formatted in TIS style, and then sent to the author for final proofreading before publication. Authors must not alter the content of their article, but must proofread carefully and check all formatting against the style guide.
Preprints On acceptance, each article is published online on the NCIS website as a preprint. This gives immediate exposure to the author by avoiding the long lead-time between issues. Preprints do not have page numbers. Preprints can be seen at https://www.ncis.org/the-independent-scholar/tis
Book reviews
Book reviews will be commissioned by the NCIS Book Review Editor, and the reviewer must submit their review via the OJS portal. The Book Review Editor will review it and ask for revisions if necessary before accepting or declining it for publication in TIS.
In the event of a less-than-positive book review, the book’s author shall be given the opportunity to respond. Their response will be published immediately after the book review, and listed in the Table of Contents.
Book reviews can be seen at https://www.ncis.org/book-reviewsthe-independent-scholar-tis
Also available are issues of the TIS predecessor journal, The Independent Scholar Quarterly (TISQ). Please note that prior to 2015, TIS and its predecessor, TISQ, were not peer reviewed.
All issues available as PDFs.
- May 2014
- February 2014
- November 2013
- August 2013
- May 2013
- February 2013
- November 2012
- August 2012
- February 2012
- November 2011
- August 2011
- January 2011
- December 2009
- September 2009
- June 2009
- March 2009
- December 2008
- September 2008
- March 2008
- December 2007
- October 2007
- June 2007
- March 2007