Carol Rizzolo's picture

Real name: 

Primary Discipline

Primary Discipline: 

  • Old HierarchyClassics


My personal and professional path has long been defined by membership in the family of helping professions. I followed a brief career in Clinical Genetics by a 20+ year career as a Physician Assistant providing health care services and counseling to young people and their families. I have extensive training in both pediatrics and end-of-life care. As I approached 50 years old, I chose to change professional direction. I returned to school and earned a doctorate in Mythology and Psychology and became certified as Personal and Executive Coach. The Connectedness of our human stories through the millennia has been the focus of my research and writing. Learning to live gracefully through the many twists and turns that life offers has been the focus of my own life for over 40 years.


Recent scholarly activity: 

Much of my current work is focused on The Odyssey of Homer as the story of the returning veteran. and the effects of the devalued feminine in these stories

Recent publications: 

Rizzolo, Carol and Marie-Eileen Onieal. Extreme Athlete, 18, With Worsening Cough. Clinician Reviews. 2016 August;26(8):22-23,26-27,51. 


Other activities: 

I work as a both a patient advocate and a personal and executive coach working with individuals facing transitions in life. 

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