NCIS is delighted to have welcomed eight new members from the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Hungary and the Philippines. Read about them and their research here.
Dr. Rose Turner (UK) holds a PhD in Psychology from Kingston University and an MA in Performance Practice as research from the Royal Central School of Speech & Drama. Turner teaches at Open University as an associate lecture in Psychology. Turner research can be found in publications such as the British Journal of Social Psychology, Strategic Change, and the Scientific Study of Literature. Research topics Turner has published on deal with fiction and emotions.
Dr. Belina Burford (USA) holds a Master’s in Public Health with a focus on epidemiology and biostatistics from the University of Melbourne and a PhD in Medicine/Pharmacology from the University of Sydney. Burford has vast methodological expertise in clinical trial design, research methodology, and evidence synthesis. Currently, Burford works as an independent research consultant.
Dr. Michael A. Heimos (UK) holds a DPhil in history from the University of Oxford and an MLitt in Reformation Studies from University of St. Andrews. Heimos’s published works are mostly on literary topics and legal history, and other topics. For the former, Heimos studies biblical reception, semiotics, hermeneutics, and ecclesiastical history in both UK and US contexts. For the latter, Heimos researches aspects of legal history.
Dr. Elena Salvaterra (Italy) holds a PhD in the Ethics of Science from the Public University of Milan. Currently Salvaterra works as a special education consultant and as an independent scholar. Salvaterra’s research can be found in publications such as the Journal of Cell Science & Therapy, Pathobiology, and the Journal of Human Genetics.
Dr. Noor Hashem (USA) holds a PhD, a MA, and a MFA from Cornell University in English. Hashem’s research can be found in publications such as The Muslim World and the Journal of Qur’anic Studies. In addition to research publications, Hashem has creative writing publications in outlets such as Consequence Magazine, Mizna, and New Letters. Hashem currently works as a Content Writer for WestEd.
Dr. Joseph Christian Obnial (Philippines) holds an MD from University of Santo Tomas in Medicine and currently serves as an associate editor of Public Health Challenges. Obnial’s research can be found in publications such as Global Health Research and Policy, the Journal of Primary Healthcare, and Health Promotion Perspectives.
Dr. Mary L. M. Lefaiver (USA) holds a PhD in e-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning from Lancaster University as well as an MA in Curriculum and Instruction – Educational Technology from Florida Gulf Coast University. Lefaiver’s publications can be found in journals such as Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, and Educational Technology Research and Development. Currently, Lefaiver works as a Leadership Development Content Strategy Senior Manager for PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Dr. Endre György Tóth (Hungary) holds a PhD in Agricultural Science from Szent István University. Tóth’s publications can be found in journals such as Heredity, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, and Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.